Since we have to wait for a long time until next season begins, I think it would be interesting to read the following interview, it was on January 2007...OK...I know...the sixth season was working on...but, there you can find how Allison became a Director and how is Tom Welling and Michael Rosembaum`s behaviors...Very interesting and very funny!
Hi, Allison! How are you?
I’m good! I’ve been working so much more than I’ve ever worked on this show, it’s crazy! I feel like Tom!
But that’s good though!
It’s great! My storyline has been totally picking up!
Great. So, first “Smallville” question… What have you learned the most during your time on “Smallville” thus far, and how have you applied it to your life?
Wow, that’s a big question. I grew up on “Smallville,” you know. I started the show when I was 18, and I’m 24, and you do a lot of changing in those years. I think maybe I learned more about myself and who I am. Kristin has been a huge influence on me and the fashioning of my ideas in regard to the world. Tom’s been an incredible friend, teaching me I can do anything and learn anything. I learned a lot from those two.
About Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum directing: Your fans want to know what you think about the differences and similarities between their directing.
[Laughs] I don’t think there ARE any similarities. Well, Tom is a very paced man. He’s very guarded and very deliberate. And Michael is the opposite. He’s all over the place. I guess their similarities are that they’re both so incredibly passionate about it and they get so excited about performances and so excited about coming to work and so excited about the ideas about directing. That’s really infectious because they both know what they want, and you give them the performances that they’re happy with. But they couldn’t be more night and day personally. Michael has a tendency all over the place and really scattered and his brain is scattered, but he’s incredibly creative and incredibly encouraging, whereas Tom is more quiet and more reserved.
Would you consider directing an episode yourself?
Funny you mention that. Tom’s been driving me nuts about directing an episode here. No– I hadn’t given it any thought at all until Michael did it. So I’ve slowly started meeting with the different directors that we have and asking them about the process. I might! I’m not closing that door.
How did the team prepare you for your expanded role, or did they at all?
They didn’t.
They didn’t? So did you just sort of find out as you went along?
Yeah, [with every script] I was just kind of like, “Oh, I guess I’m heavy in this one… Oh… I guess… Oh, I guess I’m heavy in this one too… Oh… I…” My character has really evolved and exploded over the last two seasons. But it’s been great and so much fun! I’m so happy. I LOVE what I do, and I love the people that I work with. Working with Tom every day is just such a luxury because he’s such a defined person. It’s just so much fun.
In the episode “Labyrinth,” Do you think that she was conjured from Clark’s mind, or conjured by Martian Manhunter?
I don’t think that she was… Well? Probably she was brought on by Martian the man hunter… Because, I mean, he used all of as part of Clark’s fantasy just to teach him very specific lessons, and so he was probably very aware of my relationship with Clark and what it meant to him in that way, and them killing me, and it was probably an integral part him teaching Clark.
Yeah! Your first “Smallville” death scene!
It was grrrrrrrrrrreat! It was so much fun to shoot that.
How many takes did you guys do?
A lot. Lots of angles. Well, because I couldn’t quite figure out how to take a bullet at first. I didn’t know what it was supposed to look like or anything like that, so it took me a couple of times to get hit, to really be able to figure out how to sell the hit. And then falling into Tom’s arms is never really very hard… So that was… You know… I had to do that a COUPLE times, at LEAST [Sly laughter].
Man… I’ll tell you. You’ve got the worst job ever.
I know. It’s brutal!
Although everyone’s like, “How the frick far away is Metropolis?”
I know. I know. Just a couple of hours.It’s very difficult because of the distance between Metropolis and Smallville, and we already play that so aggressively that still having me run from school to work to home all in one episode is a little funky.
Source: alllisonmack.com
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