Since the last episode of season 8 has been emited, now we can talked about it.
- The relationship between Lois and RBB is working on. He trustes on her and she is totally devoted to him.
- The confession of Clark saying "I`m the Red Blue Blur" was a a great scene, because both actors give us an excellent performance.
- The last scene between Chloe and Jimmy was very sensitive and further when Jimmy was killed by Davis it develops in a paradox, while Clark made all his effort to save the human side of Davis, this guy killed Clark`s friend showing the darkest side of human beings.
- Introducing Cosmic Boy saying: "thanks for ..." as if it were another scene showing a kind of communication between both of them.
- Rokk makes Kal-El a very strong warning: he`ll die...but, the following scene seems to start from zero...as if nothing important had been said.
- The fighting between Lois and Tess...for what?...just to make an excuse in order to put Lois the Legion`s ring and carry her out to somewhere else.
- To transform a succesful character in something totally strange
- But the major problem was the expected smackdown between Clark and Doomsday...it was the shortest fight in all Smallville story :(
Well, I expect to see a great beginning next season, because in the last scene Clark embraces his kryptonian heritage, now he`s Kal-El and he must becomes in Superman :)
Source: Airlock Alpha