Zap2It has published the following interview:
In Part One of our three-part series with Ritchson, we grilled him on his upcoming "Smallville" appearance. (Nothing like a little booze to get a guy talking, right?) He just got back from his trip to Vancouver, where he took to the beach as A.C. AKA Aquaman for the episode titled "Patriot," which was directed by series star Tom Welling.
About Tom Welling, Alan says:
"He's a phenomenal director and I enjoyed working with him," Ritchson says. "Were you thinking I was going to say he sucked?"
Then he jokes about Tom:
"I hate him enough as an actor. I hated him even more as a director. Every day it was like going to the dentist,"
"It's like the least heroic thing you've ever seen, and Tom played that for everybody that came in for like the next three days," Ritchson laughs. "Every actor, every producer, he was just like, 'Hey, watch this! Watch this!' If there are outtakes on the 'Smallville' DVDs, that would be on it."
About his character he says:
"It opens on this guy who is dark. Costumes are dark... the set is dark. This guy is moody. You don't know what's come over him. You just see this world-weary guy who's obviously been around trying to deal with this stuff."
The pressures of being a superhero in a dangerous time have gotten to A.C., and he takes it upon himself to try to get Clark to join the fight full-time. "It's weighty. It was really fun to play"
About his new cloths, he says:
The suit is a symbol of his new attitude. "That's it, man. He's going stealth. He's grown up."
He´s returning married with Mera:
"His wife knows more about him than he does. It's one of those things where it's like you meet somebody and you're like, '"Where have you been my whole life? You complete me,' and this is where the Tom Cruise moment comes in," Ritchson says.
Why is he returning to "Smallville"?
"I'll just say this: it was the need for some cohesion on the part of the superheroes,"
Aquaman will team up with Clark (Welling) to save Oliver (Justin Hartley) from becoming a glorified lab rat in a testing facility.
This awesome episode airs on Friday Nov. 19 at 8 pm EST...STAY TUNED IN!