He can get into people minds to extract all his memories...
He´s trying to capture any meta-human, but specially he´s looking for The Blur...
Read more on the scan:

Tess creates an elaborate plan to kidnap Green Arrow, then she delivers him to Checkmate. Amanda tells Green Arrow that the Government is recruiting him, but he escapes and joins with Clark and Chloe to investigate...Clark is surprised when discovers that John Jones is investigating the same...he seems John Jones is keeping information from him...Besides that, Oliver and Clark were shocked when find out that Checkmate is looking for "Watchtower"...Amanda threatens to kill Chloe if Clark doesn´t tell the names of the rest of the Justice League.
Clark and Oliver are talking in the Kent farm...they are so unconfortable...
That´s why men don´t talk about themselves...HAHAHA!
Just wait...it´s only something about actors contracts and cashSo, now...what do you think?
HI, EVERYBODY! This is a fansite for all the very crazy, devoted fans of actor Tom Welling. Here, you can find videos, photos, interviews and all about the gorgeous and talented Smallville star. All comments will be welcome. Made sure to be very respectful and kindful. Use appropiate language.