Cool! New trailer of this wonderful series....Clark and Zod are talking...awesome scenes....Smallville movie is going on!
New episode on january 22!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Various actors of Smallville are nominated...Allison Mack, Aaron Ashmore and of course, Tom Welling are your choices!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
In hoping of the next episode after of the Chritsmas hiatus...Brian Peterson answers some questions about Society of America and a possible season 10.
This interview was made by Damian Holbrook ( Tv Guide Magazine)
Ok,so Society sounds huge!Source: TV GUIDE
It is. We have Michael Shanks playing Hawkman [and] he is perfect. It is one of the most exciting things we have done in the nine years we have been on.
Tell me everything.
We have an enormous [episode]. Geoff Johns is writing the big Justice Society of America episode for us, and when we got into it, we realized that is so much bigger than just one episode. We have basically turned it into a mini-movie. And from the footage that is coming in, it looks as good if not better than any hero movie that has been out in the last two years.
How do you introduce them?
We wanted to make their entrance into the series relevant, so they show up in a time when our fledgling League, that has not named itself or coalesced into anything, is having a few growing pains. So they are coming in to teach all of our heroes a lesson about family and leadership from the mistakes of their own past.
They’re from the future?
They are actually from the past. When we meet them they have been underground and are an older generation of heroes that Clark and Chloe and our generation of heroes didn’t even know existed. They kind of come out of the woodwork and there are a few sparks between our characters and the JSA members at the beginning of the [story].
Will we see Black Canary and all those guys?
I would say we will see members of the future Justice League who we haven’t seen in a while…they will appear in that show and in the back section of the season. I can’t confirm who you will see, a lot of it is cast dependent. But we do have plans to have a few more members of the future JLA back on the show.
Now that the no flights no tights rule has left the building…
God, this is such a tough question. We have discussed Clark’s development and where flying fits into that, you could say that. I think it will happen when the time is right. But I don’t believe that he is in the place where he is ready for that.
And what are you doing with Zod? Because we love Callum.
Callum [Blue] is fantastic. Zod has had plans that will be quickly unveiled…we will see Zod using all of his Kryptonian intuition and manipulation skills to basically achieve his quest of getting powers. He will do anything and use anyone along the way.
And you have plans to bring in the Dark Archer, as well?
We come back in January with a great dark archer episode where we bring back Mia, Oliver’s sidekick and kind of take her to the next level, to basically being Speedy for Oliver. She’ll be in a few episodes.
Now, if you get a 10th season…
When we get a 10th season! [Laughs]
When you get a 10th season, where would you take Clark?
I think our plan right now is a reflection over the 9 years and taking him out of the darkness that we’ve had, with him in the black suit and where he went after Jimmy’s death, and taking him to a place of balancing his Kryptonian side and his human side—which he’s not doing perfectly this year. [Laughs]. It would be him learning how to be Clark Kent and the entity that will be known as Superman.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
OMG!!! This is the trailer of Smallville, there you can see the Justice League!
Geoff Johns is the writer...Stagirl, hawkman and Dr Fateman will be in this amazing double episode, remember that is the returning after the hiatus of Christmas.
It´ll be aired on January....patient my friends is a virtue :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
It seems like our favorite series is going to became in a movie...Actually, the Cw is planning on to join the episodes SOCIETY AND LEGEND...It must be on air by the end of January...
So, what do you think about it...?
For me, it sounds great!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hey! The Fantastic Twins are appearing....
Source: SmallvillePS
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
HAHAHA! Lois and Clark are getting a job as tv hosts...Clark is really annoyed...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
They were taken at the airport of Vancuver on October 09, few days ago.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Clark has a new power...hearing the thoughts of everybody!
He and Lois are closer in this episode, too.
Oliver is in Mexico...and Tess carrying him to Metropolis...
Toyman attacks again...
Friday, October 16, 2009
In the episode "Crossfire" it will appear a kiss between them and this friday episode we will see a closer moment between Lois and Clark.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Oliver is at a party...Clark is there too...suddenly a rare sound...TOYMAN APPEARS!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Well, I know it´s nothing about Tom Welling...but i think there are so many people who likes Michael Jackson´s IT...a gift for all of you.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Clark is working again in the Daily Planet...two ladies fighting...kneel before Zod!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Do you want to see Tom Welling invited to the Bonnie Hunt Show?....
Well, now is possible to suggest him as a guest, if you live abroad the States go HERE
But, if you live in the States go HERE
Come on! Let`s go! We can get it!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
NEW!!!Smallville Savior Sneak Peek Clip 1 and 2
New clips are the season premiere will be aired in few hours...the CW is showing these interesting vids...
The first one, with Clark talking Chloe about Lois.
The second one, Zod is with his army in the Luther`s mansion.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My new fanvid....since the very beginning of this relationship until they realize that there is a lovely feeling between them!
The song is "You and Me" because I think is so romantic as clois is...
Enjoy it!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Recently, british actor Callum Blue, spoke to the press about his character in Smallville, it was an extended interview, this an excerpt:
There are the two sidekicks of Zod's. There's Faora, who I think is his future wife. She's with him all the time. And, the guy who doesn't speak, but he does speak in this version, is in it, too. They're great. Zod bosses them around a lot. Actually, in the first couple of episodes, nobody knows what's going on, and they all blame Zod because he's their leader. He has to fight to get his power back. There's this huge speech, like a Hitler speech, and then he gets everybody back on his side.
And about the relationship with Jor-El, he says:
He's just discovering what's been going on. They were friends. They have history, and they're going to explore the history with him and Jor-El in the show. He doesn't know yet. Without giving too much away, I just played a scene where Zod is starting to become aware that he is there and he's had these powers, and he's keeping the powers from us. That's where this whole contention comes from.
About his contract:
Yeah, I signed for two years. Out of the 22 episodes, I think I'm in 16 or 17. It will be a major part of the show. I think they're definitely going to develop him more. the show going to run a 10 season?...what do you think?
If you want to read the complete interview HERE
Friday, September 11, 2009
Julian Sands has been cast in Smallville for the role of "Jor-El", he has appeared in "24", "Warlock" and so on.
His character is expected in "Kandor" episode, it airs in November.
As you know, the Voice of Jor-El has been played by Terence Stamp, so not few people was thinking he was going to perform the character now...
Source: AusielloFiles
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tom Welling (our Superman) seems to be more comfortable with the media this year...Even though, he`s a very private person, we`ve had the opportunity to see him in some public events and further... to hear about him, his character and the show from himself!
That`s awesome! Because, he had avoided any interview for about 3 years...and suddenly...he gentle, kindful and cheerful answering questions from fans at San Diego Comic Con 2009...and besides that... yesterday was published an interview of Tommy, made after finishing that event...Take a look!
You’ve added producing duties this year. How does that change your role on the show?
When I started Smallville obviously I hadn’t done much acting. My goal was to learn everything I could. And along that road I just needed to learn everything about everything and then use that to make the show better.… There’s no bitterness or dark side when I say this, but I think I’ve been contributing as a producer for more than a few years. [Welling has directed several episodes of the series.] The title is the title, nothing changes for us in production. I don’t know if much has changed as what I bring to the table, but I do know that now I have [more] access… I’ve always tried to be open and collaborative and make the show better. I guess in the end one thing that has really changed is that there’s a lot more paperwork that comes to me! Now I literally have a stack of memos like this at the end of every day.
How did you come to the decision to sign on for Season 9, and potentially Season 10?
Well when they brought it up, the first thing I said was, ‘What’s the story gonna be?’ And no one was really sure [at that point], and that’s why it took a little while to figure out, because I really didn’t want to engage in anything until I knew what I was gonna get myself into. So that took a lot of discussion and meetings between myself and [Warner Bros. Television president] Peter Roth and [executive producers] Kelly [Souders] and Brian [Peterson] about what next season was going to be. Once that took its form then the decision wasn’t so difficult. We have a great group, and I love everybody that’s a part of it. Their ideas made sense to me. What I don’t want to do, and what nobody ever wants for the show they’re on, is for it to dwindle out and lose its credibility. And I think this season, if anything, we’ve re-energized it.
Talk about that. I gather Clark will be in a pretty dark place. What is his journey for Season 9?
Well, in the past Clark has always been the reluctant hero. Everyone is telling him what he has to do and he doesn’t want to do it. With the events of Jimmy’s death [in May’s season finale], along with the eight seasons building up, he realizes that his view on humanity has been wrong. And he goes to Jor-El and says, ‘I messed up, what do I do now?’ Jor-El takes him in, and Clark starts his training. His training ultimately is what will prepare him to be who we all know he’s going to be in the future. So it’s him spending time at the Fortress of Solitude downloading all this information. At the same time, information is given to him that the fate of the world depends on Lois Lane’s survival. So Clark has to struggle between his destiny and his humanity. Especially in the first few episodes it gets in the way of the training, because he just can’t help but deal with humans and help people, when all Jor-El wants him to do is shut everyone off, forget about them, rise above them and be the hero he needs to be.
So he’s lost faith in humanity?
He’s lost faith in his role with humanity. I think he’s lost faith in himself and what he thought he was supposed to do.
You mean he feels like there’s only so much he can do?
Right. Not only is there only so much he can do, but what he’s been doing was wrong, and he needs to go and change directions. There’s a lot of isolation. But then of course, there’s the struggle and the drama pulling him back into these relationships.
What’s his relationship going to be with Chloe as she takes on the role of Watchtower?
That’s an interesting one, because even on set, scene by scene, we’re not sure what it is. Allison [Mack] is a tremendous actor. On set, in a very collaborative and positive way, there’s this sense of distance between Chloe and Clark. They’re both changed people. They’re not the Chloe and Clark who used to run around the Torch [in the first few seasons of the show]. They’ve both grown up and they both have better ideas about what they want to do with their lives. And they’re trying to figure out what their relationship is. But right now it’s rough seas.
Clark’s big enemy this season will be Zod, but he's not the Zod we met a few years ago. Who is he when we first see him this season?
He’s trying to figure out why he’s here and who these people are with him. He’s not the only Kryptonian on Earth. There’s a whole gamut of them who will be making appearances throughout the season. It could be that he’ll find himself fighting some of them. I think this season will be about Zod searching for his destiny and why he’s here. I don’t think he’s necessarily evil off the top, I just think he’s got his own agenda, which he’s trying to figure out. And I don’t think he likes being on Earth too much.
I understand there’s going to be a love triangle between Clark, Lois an the Red Blue Blur.
There was a [production] meeting last year that I walked in on and the conversation was about how much Clark was in love with Lois. I sat there and I said, ‘Wait a minute, Clark’s in love with Lois? When did this happen?’ I said Clark doesn’t know he has feelings for her. If he does and people see it, that’s one thing, but he doesn’t know.’ … So last year Clark wasn’t necessarily aware of these feelings. There was something, there was a reason why he found himself next to Lois. And this year, that’s what’s beginning to change, he’s starting to realize he has feelings for her. But at the same time, to protect her life he feels as though he has hide the fact that he’s the Blur, and that it’s safer for her not to know that he’s the Blur.
Sounds like he’s going to be torturing himself.
Again, another year of torture for Clark.
In the clip reel we just saw Clark is wearing a dark outfit with the Superman symbol on his chest. What’s that all about?
That is the symbol of the House of El. I’ve gotten away for many years with the blue t-shirt and the red jacket. Very easy wardrobe for me, very simple, straightforward, very comfortable. This new wardrobe, the leather jacket is a little warmer, you have to learn how to not step on your jacket when you’re in a fight sequence. You learn that pretty quick—it doesn’t take many times before you figure that out! Anyway, he’s trying to establish a call sign for himself. Even though Clark isn’t putting his own face out there it’s his way of taking accountability for what he’s doing.
Will that symbol become known as the symbol of the Red Blue Blur?
Yeah. This year he’ll be known as the Blur. And there’s a circumstance in the second episode where he’s almost caught by Lois. And through some very interesting lighting we see the symbol, but we don’t see Clark’s face. And it’s a perfect moment for him to step forward and say, “Lois, it’s me,” but he doesn’t. Poor Lois. Because that’s all she really wants to know.
What was it like putting that costume on and having that S on your chest?
The thing is, it’s a show going into Season 9. We’ve covered a lot of ground. When we first started talking about [this season] my first thought was apprehension. At the beginning the show was ‘Before Superman,’ Clark Kent’s origins, and how he got to that point [of becoming Superman]. Now you can definitely see that it’s a new era for the show. People say, ‘Season 9? It’s been so long.’ It has, but at the same time every year is the only year, every year is a new show. Especially this year. We look at posters up in the office of Season 1, 2 and 3 and we were kids, literally. Looking back it’s like a whole other world. But that’s the way it’s always been on our show. And standing on set wearing a black shirt, with silver S, black leather coat, black jeans, black boots, and thinking about last year, it’s night and day.
So...what do you think...isn`t this interview a real gem?
Smallville Season Premiere on Friday 25
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Clark Kent ( Tom Welling) wearing the black coat and the black T-shirt with the "S"...Yummy!
Via Twitter@LilMissX
Thursday, September 3, 2009

The CW's Official Description For The Season 9 Premiere - "Savior":
Clark (Tom Welling) tells Jor-El he’s ready to start his training, but Jor-El sends him back to Metropolis to cut ties with Lois before he can begin.
Chloe (Allison Mack) is shocked when Lois (Erica Durance) suddenly reappears after having been missing for weeks, but Lois has no recollection of vanishing into thin air with the Legion ring.
While investigating a monorail crash, Lois meets John Corben (guest star Brian Austin Green), a new reporter at The Daily Planet, with a negative attitude toward the Red-Blue Blur.
Chloe begs Clark to use the Legion ring to go back in time to save Jimmy, but he refuses, driving a wedge into their friendship.
Meanwhile, Oliver (Justin Hartley) continues down a dark road.
Zod (Callum Blue) arrives at the Luthor mansion...
Kevin Fair directed the episode written by Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders
Source: Kryptonsite
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hey, There!
New clip of Smallville! Metallo and Lois are talking about an "S" graffiti...Enjoy it!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Well,in this vid, Tom was about 22 years old, he was featuring as Rob Meltzer in "Judging Amy" show.
His character was a 10 years younger love interest of Amy.
The song is "Blind" (Lifehouse), because I think it describes very well the situation between both characters...
Rob and Amy were happy together, but Amy couldn`t bear this relationship and finally decides to finish it and Rob`s heart is broken.
"...when my love for you was blind
I couldn`t make you see it
Couldn't make you see it
That I loved you more than you'll ever know
A part of me died when I let you go..."
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Ausiello has posted the first official trailer of Smallville season 9, there you can see Kal-El embracing his kryptonian heritage...he talks about the training his father wanted for him.
Few seconds of clois...very intense...
Metallo and Alia appears...she wants to kill Kal-El...before he destroyes the earth...
Full action packed!
Thanks to: DTS, EW
Friday, August 21, 2009

Entertainment Weekly has published a poll about the sexiest entertainer ever...and these are the results until today:
Tom Welling as Clark Kent on "Smallville"
Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester on "Supernatural"
Nathan Fillion as Richard Castle on "Castle"
Matthew Gray Gubler as Dr. Spencer Reid on "Criminal Minds"
Michael Weatherly as Anthony 'Tony' DiNozzo on "NCIS"
Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen / Green Arrow on "Smallville"
Matthew Fox as Jack Shephard on "Lost"
Kaley Cuoco as Penny on "Big Bang Theory"
Lee Pace as Ned on "Pushing Daisies"
Monica Bellucci as one of Dracula's brides on "Dracula"
Kyra Sedgwick as Brenda Leigh Johnson on "The Closer"
Jason Dohring as Josef Kostan on "Moonlight"
Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet Burke on "Lost"
Grace Park as Number Eight on "Battlestar Galactica"
James Roday as Shawn Spencer on "Psych"
Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen on "Twilight"
Antonio Banderas as Armand on "Interview With a Vampire"
Marcia Cross as Bree Hodge on "Desperate Housewives"
Gary Oldman as Count Dracula on "Dracula"
Geraint Wyn Davies as Nick Knight on "Forever Knight"
And you can vote for Tom HERE
Source: EW
Saturday, August 15, 2009
There, you can see Tom shooting the scene, he`s upper a plataform seeing at the bottom, of course Tom is fixed by security wires. There`s a green screen, so all the details about the scenary will be added by special effects.
There are other photos where you can see Tom without the coat, just in t-shirt wearing a harness (Oh! Thank Goodness...They take care of him)...he looks awesome!!!
Click the images for enlarge them

More info: HERE
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The CW airs this fast recapping for preparing people for the season premiere on sept 25
Monday, August 10, 2009

Yeah! The Smallville star, TOM WELLING, playing the leading role of Clark Kent has gotten the surf board for TV ACTOR ACTION TOMMY!!!
This is the second time that he wins in this event, in 2002 he won for TV CHOICE BREAKOUT STAR MALE and he was nominated almost every year since then.
Source: AP
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yesterday, Brian Peterson said that they had confused people about the topic of season 9...
He had said that it will be the darkest hour for Clark...but now, he`s clarifying the whole thing:
“Clark has some very dark decisions to make and he starts the season in a very dark place, but the season itself won’t be dark. In fact,Clark and Lois will be back in each other’s orbits and there will be a lot of the fun that we had last year—even more than we had last year.”
And also gave a spoiler:
"In episode three, Lois and Clark are in the trenches fighting zombies, and when they catch their breath from fighting zombies, [romantic] sparks will fly.”
So...what do you think?
Source: AusielloFiles
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dawn Ostroff, President of CW Entertainment spoke to reporters at Press Tour in Pasadena, Calif. Tuesday.
On whether Smallville will return she said:
I hope it’s not the last season! Zod is going to be the new villain. I still think the show has a lot of life left in it. We have high hopes for it staying on the air for a while.
On The Decision To Move Smallville To Friday Nights:
Friday night for us, this is the first year for us we’re actually migrating our viewers to Friday night. We thought the best way to open it up was with an established hit like Smallville.
About plans:
We have carved out the niche in the marketplace programming to young women.
On CW Strategy:
The CW and our shows need to be TV to talk about, tweet about, IM about and blog about.
New "Promo" of Smallville... take a look!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
And further...the girl contacted the youtuber and clarify the exact words she pronunced as follows:
"So just to clarify, because I did mumble towards the end, I said:
"I was wondering what the most exciting or interesting thing that happened to you on set (I know, grammatically incorrect because my mind completely left me), and can you make it kind of long so you can keep looking at me?"
By the way, I was crying the entire time, and I sighed at the beginning because Tom literally took my breath away and I had to remind myself to breathe!
Way to go Julie, aka Fan Girl!! :)
Tom was so kindful...answering word by word...just for make her happy!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Source: OSCK
Yeah! As I was posting before, the Smallville cast get into the Press Room on July 26, after their panel, for answer about season 9...unfortunately, it seems Tom Welling wasn`t there :(
But all the others were there, so...Enjoy these interesting vids! :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009

After finishing the Smallville panel at Comic Con 2009, Erica Durance, Justin Hartley, Brian Peterson, Kelly Souders, Cassidy Freeman and Callum Blue went to the press room...There, they said something more about season 9, as follows:
"I think what makes them friends and respect each other is the very same thing that makes them butt heads... [Clark] comes into town and he's saving everybody. And when he's doing it he's leaving these symbols"
"...maybe kind of be the lynchpin key answer to some of Clark's questions which is [a] different kind of place for her to be"
"I don't know what number it is but I know that it's the end of January so it's pretty far into the future." (directing an episode)
"I'm going to rip Terence Stamp off....we've actually got the same manager"
(the hook) of the year is his burgeoning love for Lois Lane and the fun love triangle between that everybody knows from Clark loves Lois, Lois loves Superman... We've never had a Kryptonian living on Earth with Clark for an entire season and how that affects Clark's journey."... and about Jor-El in the flesh this season: "'ll learn pretty quickly - episode two - what happens."
"'s not quite the costume everybody's used to seeing, it's one step closer." (about Superman suit)
Do you want to see more? HERE
Monday, July 27, 2009
Various questions.
Tom says he wants to increase communication between production and set shooting...
Allison is asked about chlark and she answers is hardly possible because she will be very busy, someone else ask if maybe with Oliver and she`s like who knows...
Someone asks if Lex is really dead and Peterson says that by comics, we know that he isn`t .
Someone else asks Tom how does he feel as producer and actor, and he says that`s interesting to know how the show is built and it could increase his professional development
Allison talks about how lovely is Tom directing
Batman nabs Tom Welling's name plaque...damn him...
Souders says Erica Durance will be 18 episodes...
Tom says he wasn`t convinced in auditioning for Clark Kent because it wasn`t possible to read the script, but when he finally read it he saw it was a great one and he`s happy for go through with it...
Callum confirms his role was auditioned as "Mason"...
Yeah! Awesome Tom Welling is there!
Jeph Loeb moderates the panel and says he`s "shaking" for seeing the sneak peek.
All the writers are there.
Loeb presents all cast
Stand-up ovation for Tom!
Peterson tells Tom that there are 5000 persons...but Loeb says "there are 6000"...Tom apologizes with the 1000 omitted...He says this year will be more involucrated in production.
Erica says "Lois is dealing by being smitten with Superman" not must be "spicy"
Allison says "I love being in control, it`s awesome" she will tell the supes what to do (as Watchtower)
Callum says he loves playing an evil character...Loeb tells him "the girls love your accent" and he answers "It`s an act, I`m really from Texas"
Souders thanks fans for the support `cause fans were asking for season 9 and further season 10...
Sunday, July 26, 2009

As you know Tom Welling was at Comic Con today during the Q&A session. All the Smallville cast was there.
There was a great ovation for Tom when he arrived and was introduced by Jeph Loeb.
Photos by: SharanTv, devidarkwolf via Twitter
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ausiello (Entertainment Weekly) was at Comic-Con and talked with Brian Peterson (Smallville Exec. Prod.) the following:
- Season 9 is focus on Clark`s darkest hour
- Clois confirmed, but as triangle way because the RBB continuos
- Chloe is sad for Jimmy`s death and she`s embracing the Watchtower role
- Tension between Clark and Chloe
- Important scene with Jor-El and Clark (explanation about his not flying)
- Brian Austin Green confirmed for two-episode arc
- In this moment they`re shooting an episode focus on Oliver
Further, Michael Rosenbaum and Brian Peterson had dinner together recently...uhmm...would it be possible his return...what do you think?
Friday, July 24, 2009

OMG!!! All the time we were talking about the Media shyness of actor Tom Welling....all the time we were wondering why he hasn`t ever appeared in promotions of the show ( since about 3 years ago)...
But, finally... Tom is announced to be there in person...and there`s more...Tom is now a co-executive producer of Smallville!
Yeah! All of you Smallville fans pay attention: He`ll be there on Sunday, July 26, from 10.30 to 11.30 in room 6BCF.
So...the entire cast will be at Comic-Con talking with fans in the Q&A session...IT`S GREAT!!! RIGHT?
Source: WB

Ausiello has published a little, but interesting scoop about Smallville:
There have been conflicting reports about where Smallville is heading in the romance department this year. Is it the season of Clois, or are they really revisiting Lois and Ollie again? --Jeff
It's full-tilt-Clois. I'm sure they will touch on Lois-Ollie, but it won't be anything significant
So...what do you think? Do you like it? Or do you prefer any other partner for Clark?
Source: AusielloFiles
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders were talking about the characters in season 9:
CLARK KENT: He will be focus in become an hero...leaving the rest of his life behind.
METALLO: Brian Austin Green plays the role of John Corben aka Metallo, with a kryptonite heart. It`s a two-episode arc.
ZOD: The villain of this season. He`ll be introduced younger, when he was a Major, not the General Zod. This role is played by british actor Callum Blue.
Season 9 will air on September 25, all fridays at 8 pm.
Source: TV GUIDE

The Preview Night was so crowded...
Years before, it was so easy to walk into the aisles, but now...
Despite, only pre-registered four-days pass holders can participate of it.
About 125,000 people annually attend Comic-Con, which features hundreds of exhibits, celebrity appearances, film screenings and industry panels during its Thursday-Sunday run.
In recognition of Comic-Con's 40-year history and its $42 million annual direct economic impact on the region, the Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to declare it "Comic-Con Week" in San Diego County.
"This is one of those things that's become synonymous with San Diego during the summer," Supervisor Greg Cox said of Comic-Con.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Did you remember the character of Jonathan Kent in Smallville?...Yes?
Well, since Clark`s dad died, John has participated in several projects like Collier & Co., The Secret Life of American Teenager and Nip/Tuck.
But now, he reasumes his role of father...Where...?
He`s been cast for 90210, he`ll be Liam`s stepfather...but not the beloved paternal figure as in Smallville. His character will be a plastic surgeon in permanent conflict with his son.
His character will appear on episode 2 and it`s supposed to be there all the season.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The San Diego Comic Con will start on July 22 with the Preview Night.
Next day, begins 4 days plenty of conferences, meetings and so on; all related to comics, more than 400 events.
The SMALLVILLE PANEL will be on July 26, from 10.30 to 11.30 am on room 6BCF.
There, KELLY SOUDERS, BRIAN PETERSON, ALLISON MACK, ERICA DURANCE, CASSIDY FREEMAN, JUSTIN HARTLEY and CALLUM BLUE will talk about the year ahead, answer questions and show a sneek peek of season 9.
Moderator: Jeph Loeb
So, in a few days we`ll have more news...Great!
Source: Comic-Con 2009